My Gift Crewneck


Crewneck sweater featuring a dove outline and the My Gift logo. Black and white options available!

50% Polyester, 46% Cotton and 4% Rayon, organic and recycled material blend.

Machine wash and tumble dry on low.

*Please note this will be printed on demand and will arrive separate from other items in your order. Returns are not supported for print on demand items. 


In stock, non-preorder items shipping to addresses within the United States are sent by US Mail (USPS) or FedEx. Army Post Office (APO) addresses have an average transit time of 10-21 days. International addresses have an average transit time of 10-30 days. Learn more about shipping here.

Return Policy

If you have received damaged, defective, or incorrectly shipped merchandise, please contact Customer Service and return the product within 30 days of receipt following the Return/Exchange Instructions outlined here. We will gladly replace or refund the merchandise without additional charge upon return.

If you have ordered incorrectly or are not happy with your purchase, please follow the Return/Exchange Instructions here (and on your packing slip).